Potion To Reset Attributes Conan (2025)

1. Potion of Natural Learning - Official Conan Exiles Wiki - Fandom

  • Icon yellow lotus potion variant 1. Potion of Bestial Memory A potion that resets attribute points. Crafted at Alchemy Bench.

  • This potion clears the knowledge of civilization, wiping away learned skills until the imbiber is left with nothing more than a vast potential for learning. They are then free to sculpt their mind in whichever direction they wish. A potion that resets knowledge points. The Potion of Natural Learning does not reset found knowledges, but does reset religions in addition to all other knowledges. Potion of Natural Learning was implemented with the Pets update. The other potion that was added is the

2. Yellow Lotus Potion not working! - Funcom Forums

  • 22 jun 2023 · Since the new Age of War update I have noticed that I can't reset my attributes or skill points with yellow lotus potion.

  • Since the new Age of War update I have noticed that I can’t reset my attributes or skill points with yellow lotus potion. I crafted and consumed a potion but no reset happened. Anyone else experiencing this?

3. Attribute - Official Conan Exiles Wiki - Fandom

4. Isle of Sipta - Attribute reset potions - Funcom Forums

  • 7 aug 2022 · There are two kinds that drop. “Bestial Memory”, which resets your attributes. And “Natural Learning” which resets your feats.

  • Hey gang, i know the recipe drops (super rare). But i was told some beasts drop the potion? Wondering if anyone is able to tell me what ones???

5. Attribute Reset Potion (14 Days) - Equipment - Tree of Savior - tos.guru

6. Potions - Conan Exiles - ConanAldura Server

  • The yellow lotus potion is a consumable item in Conan Exiles that allows you to reset your attribute and feat points. You can craft it at an alchemist's bench ...

  • Explore the mystical world of alchemy in Conan Exile through potion listings.

7. Potion of Reset attributes - Skyrim Special Edition - Nexus Mods

  • 26 nov 2019 · Add new potion with attribute reset feature that allow you assign your attribute points (Health, Stamina, Magicka) once again after used.

  • Add new potion with attribute reset feature that allow you assign your attribute points (Health, Stamina, Magicka) once again after used.Use this with Perks Reset mod, you can rebuild your chara

8. reset les points d'attribut, possible ? sur le forum Conan le Barbare (2016)

  • 17 mei 2018 · ... potion du lotus jaune ou un truc comme ça. Ça reset tes points d'attribut et d'aptitude. Non 10 aloe c'est une potion de soin. il te faut 10 ...

  • La question est dans le titre, merci. Je n'ai pas de résultat en tapant attribut sur la recherche. - Topic reset les points d'attribut, possible ? du 17-05-2018 23:39:54 sur les forums de jeuxvideo.com

9. 'Conan Exiles' Sorcery Guide: How To Corrupt Attributes | IBTimes

  • 7 sep 2022 · Attributes can only be altered while the player is heavily corrupted · Corrupted attributes can be restored by resetting skill points · Normal ...

  • Corruption comes with its own host of benefits and disadvantages, and its up to the players to see if its worth the risk.

Potion To Reset Attributes Conan (2025)


What is the skill reset potion in Conan? ›

If you want to just reset knowledge points, use the Potion of Natural Learning. You may loose feats learned through scrolls if you use the yellow lotus potion. If you just want more knowledge points, use a Fragment of Power to get 10 more points. Use the fragments to unlock the tablet of power - it's more efficient.

Is there a way to reset knowledge points in Conan Exiles? ›

A potion that resets knowledge points. The Potion of Natural Learning does not reset found knowledges, but does reset religions in addition to all other knowledges. Potion of Natural Learning was implemented with the Pets update. Potion of Bestial Memory, which removes your attribute points.

How do I corrupt my attributes in Conan? ›

Players draw power from Corruption and corrupt their attributes. Corrupting an attribute requires players to have at least Heavy corruption (40% corruption or more) as well as Soul Essence, 1 Essence per point. Corrupting a perk will result in the character getting new Corrupted perks that will replace the old perk.

What is the potion of respec? ›

This mod replaced the potion shop's item "Potion of Ice Focus" with "Potion of Respec". You can purchase the potion on your basement's NPC "Tinya". Using this mod will NOT marked as a CHEATER.

Is there a way to reset attributes? ›

In the Attribute menu, players who have not yet reallocated their points in their playthrough should see a button on the bottom left of the screen – "Reset Attributes." Press this to refund all Attributes (even those spent in character creation) to reapportion as wished.

What are the best attributes in Conan exile? ›

You can respec any time so when you begin your game I suggest first raise agility 10, grit 10, encumbrance 20, vitality 10, strength 10; then raise vitality for the healing passive to 30, grit for your stamina, then strength that you make damage.

What does golden lotus potion do in Conan Exiles? ›

Known for its healing properties, golden lotus has been rumored to be able to mend broken bones, heal scars and even unnaturally extend the life of those who drink it. This potion will provide a significant healing boost to any who drink it.

What does purple lotus potion do in Conan Exiles? ›

Drinking this potion grants Charisma and Follower Damage, but also causes cripple and applies the Drunk effect with each drink, followed shortly by a headache. When you drink the potion, a wisp is created, which leads you to The Witch Queen.

What does the potion of endowment do in Conan Exiles? ›

Now what it does, as the word “endowment” says, is that it increases the size of your genitals for 1 hour, in case you're a male. Females just have increased charisma, but there is no visual change.

How to reset knowledge points? ›

Knowledge points cannot be reset or moved once spent, however you can always earn more points to spend in areas you have not yet completed. Customer Support will not assist with moving, changing, or adding knowledge points.

What is the max level in Conan exile? ›

Max unmodded level is 60.

What does grey lotus potion do in Conan exiles? ›

Grants Strength Weapon Damage +15% for one hour, and applies the Drunk effect with each drink, followed shortly by a headache. When you drink the potion, a wisp is created, which leads you to The Sinkhole, where you can find the flower in the arena chests.

What does golden lotus potion do in Conan exiles? ›

Known for its healing properties, golden lotus has been rumored to be able to mend broken bones, heal scars and even unnaturally extend the life of those who drink it. This potion will provide a significant healing boost to any who drink it.

Does wipe potion reset skill points? ›

Overview. The Wipe Potion is a consumable item that can be dropped or used. When a Wipe Potion is consumed, it will completely discard any of your progress in the story so far, similar to starting a New History.

What does the frost lotus potion do? ›

Drinking this potion applies a short-term Poison to the user, causing slight damage over time. On the positive side, it's primary effect will randomly grant one of the following buffs for one hour: Agility Weapon Damage +15% Armor +50.

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